Dr. Monica Carballo
School Assessment and AP Coordinator
FL Department of Education – Assessments
Florida has realigned its 9th and 10th-grade Reading assessments with the Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.), creating the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) program for progress monitoring. Students participate in FAST assessments three times a year, but certain B.E.S.T. assessments, including grades 4–10 Writing and end-of-course tests for Algebra 1 and Geometry, are not included in the FAST program. These assessments serve different purposes and schedules, contributing to Florida’s broader educational evaluation framework.
Create your College Board Account – If you already have a College Board account but you’re struggling to log in, DO NOT create a brand-new account. It might sound tempting, but having duplicate accounts can make life harder when you’re trying to get your test scores and apply for college. The best move here is to reach out to College Board for some help if you can’t access your account.
Accommodations – Prior to taking any College Board exams with accommodations, approval for these accommodations must be obtained from College Board. To facilitate this process, students can reach out to their academy counselor.
Digital SAT Exams – Starting in January 2024, all SAT exams will transition to computer-based administration.
AP Central – With a selection of 25 AP courses at your disposal, you’ll have the opportunity to delve into your interests and uncover new passions. These AP classes will introduce you to captivating subjects and concepts that could potentially lay the groundwork for your future college major or career path.
PSAT/NMSQT – The PSAT/NMSQT offers several significant advantages to students. It connects students to over $300 million in scholarships, including the National Merit Scholarship Program, and it’s excellent SAT practice, aligning with the SAT’s format and content. Moreover, it serves as a launching point for a personalized SAT study plan, leveraging PSAT/NMSQT scores to tailor practice using Khan Academy. This exam also assists in assessing a student’s college readiness within the SAT Suite of Assessments and highlights their potential for success in college-level AP courses.