Sponsor: Mr. Berejio
Email: 235190@dadeschools.net
Elliot Muskat
Miguel Sanabia
Jacob Howard
Antonio Fernandez
Carlos Vigil
Sofia Avolo
Mission Statement: Reef esports is dedicated to the well-being and prosperity of the students in the school. Through our club, we hope to offer various social opportunities for Coral Reef Senior high school students, as they take part in both casual and competitive activities. Together, aim to promote teamwork, good sportsmanship, and leadership skills as well as independence and self-reliance. Furthermore, esports provides an opportunity for students with mental or physical disabilities to participate in a sport, available activity that they may have not been able to engage in before. Most importantly, we here at Reef Esports wish to provide our club members with a healthy, growing, and fun community environment to play, practice in hone our skills together.
Social Media Handle: Instagram- @reef.esports