National Business Honor Society

Sponsor: Mrs. Mirabal


Emely Gonzalez
Dylan Torres
Lauren Perez
Shaya Lewis
Hanna Portal
Mia Phillips
Giselle Britto
Cammille Toussaint
Samantha Correa
Hannah Savedra
Jaren Tavvs

Mission Statement: National businesses is an organization that honors and nationally recognizes outstanding students in our business academy. Our purpose is to promote and recognize academic achievement and business education at Coral Reef. We also foster leadership skills and character development, aid members and grow ethically and socially by promoting and encouraging an interest in business and encourage member involvement and service learning initiatives. As a national business education Association, the HS sets students a part in their future careers, especially when applying to colleges. Juniors and seniors have opportunities to join and help serve the community to various philanthropic community service activities.

Social Media Handle:
Twitter @Aofcrhs   Instagram @crhsaof
Facebook  Barracuda Business and Finance Academy 

student on bleachers