Junior Varsity Cudettes

Sponsor: Mrs Santalo

Email: bsantalodance@coralreefhigh.org

Captain: Alyssa Mederos
Co-Captain: Mia Garcia
Officer: Angelina Etienne
Officer: Alyssa Toscano

Mission Statement: While it is the main objective of the team to promote school spirit and awareness, we also have the responsibility to provide entertainment at sporting events such as football games, basketball games, pep rallies and any other events the school may call upon us for. It is always our goal to have a number one nationally recognized team with high academics that demonstrate leadership qualities and continue to promote social skills throughout the student body. Our Junior Varsity Team has over 25 National Championship Titles. 

Being involved in dance team competitions keeps the team goal oriented and helps in uniting the dancers.  We are one!!!!!

Social Media Handle: @jvcudettes_

group picture
students on bleachers