Early Dismissal

The School Day
Classes are in session from 7:20 am until 2:20 pm. 
Students are expected to be on time to their classes.

Early Dismissal
Permits to leave school are granted in emergencies. Students are urged to arrange doctor, dental, and other appointments at hours that are not in conflict with school time. Parents requesting a permit to leave school must present a picture ID. According to School Board Rule, students will be released only to those individuals whose names are listed in the Release of Student from the School Information section of the Student Data Card. If a Student Data Card is not on file, the student will not be released from school.

School Board Rule states that no student shall be released within 
the first and final thirty (30) minutes of the school day.

If an emergency should arise, a parent or guardian must sign the student out of school. No permission‐to‐leave slips will be written without a parent or guardian signature. No student will be released by telephone, and under no circumstances will faxes be allowed to release students from school.

Please Note: Students will be counted as present only if they are actually present for at least two (2) hours or engaged in a school-approved educational activity which constitutes a part of the instructional program for the student.